
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a boy!

Last week we found out that our little baby bundle is most likely a boy (doc gave us a 90% certainty...the other 10% is some question of whether what we saw is really the umbilical cord!).

So...for now, we are pretty sure it is a boy! (The doc will look again in a few weeks). No matter the sex, we are blessed beyond words! Just wanted to share.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Long time no blog! Hello again.

Long time, no blog. Hi again. It's me!

Been very busy. The school year wrapped up, and between work, and our baseball schedule, things are just as busy as ever. However, I do have news to's not necessarily 'breaking news' at this point...but we are pregnant again! Wow. God is good. We found out in February and I am already half way through the pregnancy. My, how time flies.

We are virtually 'starting over' this time around. I mean, we have no crib, no bassinet, no changing table, etc. Although I had held onto these items for the longest time (something too sentimental about each of them to let go of) a time did indeed come when I departed with them. But, I am sure there will be some excitement involved in preparing all over again for this new arrival!

We do not know the sex of the baby. If I had to go with a hunch, I would say that I believe the baby that we lost last fall was going to be a girl, and that this one is perhaps a boy. But, then again, no telling!

People have asked, "do you want a boy or a girl?" Honestly, a healthy baby is all I could ask for! I have already been blessed beyond measure, and God knows what He is doing, and He has a plan! So whoever this delightful, beautiful, precious, God-given child is, we are once again, blessed beyond words.God has His purpose for this little all I know is, that is will all be perfect!

Well, just wanted to get back into the blog, and get things stirring again. Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend!