
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Products I Love: Better than Starbucks!

Todays product that I love is GT's Organic Raw Kombucha. Although I enjoy several of the varieties available, I LOVE the Gingerade. The Gingerade is probably my "go-to" flavor of choice. The strawberry one is pretty darn good too.

I have to admit that I still enjoy my morning coffee each and every day, but by mid morning I reach for a Kombucha from the fridge. The Kombucha is a much welcomed total body wake-up. Coffee helps me wake up in the morning, but Kombucha wakes up my body. I hope that makes sense!

Kombucha is pricey, (and I am all about CUTTING expenses these days) so if you do make Kombucha a regular part of your health regimen, it makes sense to find the place nearest you where it is sold for the best price, as well as when it is discounted with a special price.

A wonderful part of my life:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a boy!

Last week we found out that our little baby bundle is most likely a boy (doc gave us a 90% certainty...the other 10% is some question of whether what we saw is really the umbilical cord!).

So...for now, we are pretty sure it is a boy! (The doc will look again in a few weeks). No matter the sex, we are blessed beyond words! Just wanted to share.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Long time no blog! Hello again.

Long time, no blog. Hi again. It's me!

Been very busy. The school year wrapped up, and between work, and our baseball schedule, things are just as busy as ever. However, I do have news to's not necessarily 'breaking news' at this point...but we are pregnant again! Wow. God is good. We found out in February and I am already half way through the pregnancy. My, how time flies.

We are virtually 'starting over' this time around. I mean, we have no crib, no bassinet, no changing table, etc. Although I had held onto these items for the longest time (something too sentimental about each of them to let go of) a time did indeed come when I departed with them. But, I am sure there will be some excitement involved in preparing all over again for this new arrival!

We do not know the sex of the baby. If I had to go with a hunch, I would say that I believe the baby that we lost last fall was going to be a girl, and that this one is perhaps a boy. But, then again, no telling!

People have asked, "do you want a boy or a girl?" Honestly, a healthy baby is all I could ask for! I have already been blessed beyond measure, and God knows what He is doing, and He has a plan! So whoever this delightful, beautiful, precious, God-given child is, we are once again, blessed beyond words.God has His purpose for this little all I know is, that is will all be perfect!

Well, just wanted to get back into the blog, and get things stirring again. Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Home: Have a SWEET day! (10/31/10)

Happy Halloween!

If it's going to be a day full of sugar anyway....why not make it home-made, baked with love and goodness!!

Today's "Home" post is a simple one! Just bake something! Yep, that's it, that's all. Create something yummy for your family as a special treat this Halloween.

A few ideas:

All of the below ideas are simple and only require a few ingredients, to serve up a completely Halloween experience for your loved ones. Click here to see photos of each of these ideas, along with simple prep instructions!

Mummy Rolls (also referred to as mummy dogs): Just take little sausage links and roll some Pilsbury Crescent dough around them like a mummy being wrapped up in a cloth.

Nutty Ghosts: Nutter butter cookies, dipped in white chocolate or almond bark, and place mini chocolate chips for the eyes!

Candy Corn Pizza: This is soooo simple! This is just a simple cheese pizza, with mozzerella cheese around the inside and cheddar on the outside, then cut into wedges. Reference the link above for picture and instructions.

There are soooo many other neat and festive treats you can create. Just visit this site for inspiration and ideas today!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shalom: Unexpected Healing (10/28/10)

Happy Thursday to you!

Today's "Shalom" post is on the subject of healing. Playing a part in the healing of others will have a direct result on your own healing - whether physical, spiritual, or emotional.

Today I challenge you to make the time to reach out to someone you know that is coping with some sort of health issue - whether a chronic condition, an injury that has impacted their normal daily activities, a disease that someone might be battling, or even someone that is experiencing a bout of depression.

Make the time, and then take the time, to connect with them. This person might not even realize that they needed someone to express care for them and their current health condition, but may realize through your gesture that they are uplifted and renewed with hope and healing. In turn, you will also enjoy the "heart" rewards that come with your kindness and compassion.

Many times, the person in need will not ask for help when they are coping with a personal struggle. They don't want to "burden" others with their situation. And in some cases, a person will even refuse help when it is offered. That is why communication can sometimes be a powerful ingredient in these circumstances.

Here are my suggestions for spreading a little love, peace, and healing in the world today:

  • Pick up the phone today and call someone who is coping through an issue in which they need some healing.
  • Ask them how they are doing.
  • Just listen. Don't judge. Don't try to solve their circumstances. Just listen.
  • Express your care. Offer to pray for this person.
  • Let this person know that you are available to them, should they need support.

You will probably make someone's day! (And just think, if you don't pick up the phone and call someone, you will have missed out on such a wonderful opportunity to touch someone's heart that may very well need you, and not even know it.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Home: Smells like home! (10/27/10)

Personalize your home!

Scents can evoke emotion. They can connect us to experiences and memories. They can relax us, or energize us. A scent can even change your mood. I have found value in surrounding myself in our home with scents that I love. I enjoy changing out the scents in my home as holidays approach, or a new season arrives. I love to walk in the door and be immediately drawn in by the welcoming aroma of sweet maple and buttery vanilla. Sometimes I want to feel surrounded by clean scents of satin sheets and crisp cotton. Sometimes I even opt for a feminine floral and flirty scent. I love to envelope our home with something that draws upon our senses and makes us smile.

My Suggestion:
If you don't already have your home personalized with fragrance, consider investing in a home fragrance system. You can accomplish this on almost any budget!

A few options:

$5-$10 Budget: The Renuzit adjustable twist-cap cones can be purchased for under $1 and come in a handful of fragrances, from clean scents, to a standard vanilla, and even scents that can ring in the holidays, such as apple and cinnamon.

$10-$20 Budget: If you have a bit more to spend, you can look at the plug in systems that have two scents that compliment each other, or even scented candles, or scented oils and waxes.

$20-$40 Budget: And....if budget is not an is my recommendation: Scentsy. I absolutely love Scentsy products, and would be happy to offer my personal guidance based on my own use. I can also help you personalize your selection to fit your home (as well as order your products!)

I am happy to share my opinions on any of the above - so just email me ( with any questions!

Most importantly, find what works for you, and your home, and your space - - and let fragrance be yet one more way that you make your house a home!

Visit again real soon for tips on fragrance placement in the home, as well as using fragrance to rewards children's good behavior! Get your whole family involved in making your house a home!

My Baseball Champion!

After a six-game weekend tournament...still a genuine "Lawson smile!" Such a happy child!