
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shalom: Unexpected Healing (10/28/10)

Happy Thursday to you!

Today's "Shalom" post is on the subject of healing. Playing a part in the healing of others will have a direct result on your own healing - whether physical, spiritual, or emotional.

Today I challenge you to make the time to reach out to someone you know that is coping with some sort of health issue - whether a chronic condition, an injury that has impacted their normal daily activities, a disease that someone might be battling, or even someone that is experiencing a bout of depression.

Make the time, and then take the time, to connect with them. This person might not even realize that they needed someone to express care for them and their current health condition, but may realize through your gesture that they are uplifted and renewed with hope and healing. In turn, you will also enjoy the "heart" rewards that come with your kindness and compassion.

Many times, the person in need will not ask for help when they are coping with a personal struggle. They don't want to "burden" others with their situation. And in some cases, a person will even refuse help when it is offered. That is why communication can sometimes be a powerful ingredient in these circumstances.

Here are my suggestions for spreading a little love, peace, and healing in the world today:

  • Pick up the phone today and call someone who is coping through an issue in which they need some healing.
  • Ask them how they are doing.
  • Just listen. Don't judge. Don't try to solve their circumstances. Just listen.
  • Express your care. Offer to pray for this person.
  • Let this person know that you are available to them, should they need support.

You will probably make someone's day! (And just think, if you don't pick up the phone and call someone, you will have missed out on such a wonderful opportunity to touch someone's heart that may very well need you, and not even know it.)