
Monday, October 25, 2010

Om: The Art of Meditation (10/25/10)

The Art of Meditation

Have you ever been intrigued by that very simple word: "meditate?" Which, by the way, is anything but simple, actually. Have you ever wondered about the lives of those that meditate daily, and how different their lives must be from your own? They are probably calm, cool, and collected under the pressures of everyday life, right? They probably float through each day like a breeze carries a light feather in it's gentle flight. They probably don't feel the burden of daily responsibilities the same way that us average, non-meditating folk do, right? They probably sit in rush hour traffic as if they were relaxed and sitting in their favorite soft, plush chair, listening to the honking of horns fading into the scene like a soft touch of background music.

Well, not exactly. The difference is that these zen seekers (and I say "seekers" intentionally, because it is a constant path of progression) are committed to their happiness and state of balance. They invest in it. They don't just wake up carefree and mellow. It is a process. It is a regiment. It is a commitment. It is a lifestyle. They are dedicated and devoted, and put forth the continuous effort and time to maintain this level of structure in their lives....regularly.

You don't just arrive at enlightenment one day, and poof, you are there. It isn't a place. You don't find your way there, and then somehow leave behind this world as we know it. It doesn't work that way. You find your way there, and then make the commitment to keep coming back. That's how it works. You bring yourself back, over and over and over and over. This is what "centering" is.

Through meditation you can find your "center". You can find the place inside of yourself where peace, and harmony, and safety, and happiness, and holiness all reside. You can find the place where acceptance and love, and affirmation dwell. This is your center. This is your place of balance. This is your true self. It is only when we quiet down the chaos of daily life, that we can begin to hear our inner voice, and begin to really listen.

It is amazing what your "self" will tell you, when you give yourself a chance to talk...and you quiet your life enough to listen.

For more information, contact me at

Look for an upcoming post on a simple meditation technique, and beginning your own personal meditation practice, right from your home.